Friday, September 28, 2012

A long needed update

I know, I know. I'm a bad blogger. I haven't updated in forever. Please excuse my absence. I've been busy and I don't have the internet at home anymore.

I am taking a class that meets twice a week, during work hours. This means that I have to give up my lunch break on those days and stay late to make up for the time lost. It's not that big of a deal, but it has pretty well screwed up my weekday eating habits and I'm not the biggest fan of staying late. Work is just plain busy. Sometimes I take it home with me. Sometimes I don't. And my family is full of drama. So that accounts for a drastic increase in my stress.

I am running a 5K this weekend. My first one ever. I haven't been training like I should. I'm nervous about it, but not too nervous. I know I'll complete it, even if I have to walk a large portion of it. I'm hoping that having all of the people around me will help me stay motivated to keep with the running. A friend from work invited me to train for a 10K in November. She is doing it because she needs a goal to keep exercising properly. I told her I would. I can't say that I like running, but it's cheap exercise and it's super easy for me to run home from work (and doesn't take but about 10 minutes longer than it would if I took the bus). The sign up for a marathon that takes place here every May starts next week. She's encouraging me to sign up for the half marathon as well. We'll see how I feel after Sunday. If I'm feeling all encouraged and full of adrenaline afterward I just may do it.

I think I have made a tentative decision about next year. I don't want to go back to grad school. I really, really don't. So I think I'm just going to look for a new job. By the time my lease is up in the summer I will have been working at this job for four years. I think it is time for a change of pace. Something different. I like school, but I like learning more. And I can do that without dedicating another decade of my life to being completely under water financially and have to give up my life.

Ok, that's the quickie rundown on the haps lately. I hope all of your lives are treating you well.

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