Friday, September 28, 2012

Keeping Accountable - August and September

12 in 2012:

1. Apply for grad school for the fall of 2013.
Well, this goal may have changed. 

2. Minimalize my belongings.
I still haven't made it to Goodwill. Those boxes are just sitting in a pile. I brought back some books from my parents' house, so that's not helping those endeavors. However, I have a bunch of cds that I plan on selling. They're all very old (jr high and hs era) and probably won't go for very much, but a few extra dollars and getting the cases out of the way will be awesome. 

3. Move.

4. Organize my living situation.
My apartment still feels only half moved in to. I'm pretty sure I've unpacked all of my boxes, but it still doesn't feel organized.

5. Go on an archaeological dig.

6. Go to the gym regularly.
Fail. And I canceled my gym membership because I wasn't going. I am thinking of joining a different one though - one that offers more classes than my last and at a time when I can actually go, instead of 9 or 10 am.

7. Publish a paper.
Still in progress.

8. Read my Bible and pray regularly.
I go up and down with this one. I get really good about reading my scriptures and such, and then I forget about it for a day or so and that just snowballs.

9. Send more mail.
I haven't sent much in the last few months. I should get on that. Anyone want a pen pal?

10. Keep up with school work.
I'm doing that. We have weekly HW assignments, so this is easier to do than it would be with just reading.

11. Read more.
I have read three books ("Slaughterhouse-Five," "Gone Girl," and "The Perks of Being a Wallflower") in the last month and am currently working on another one ("The Great Gatsby)").

12. Enjoy time with myself and with others.
I (and everyone else) have been too busy to work on that this past month or two. Maybe next month...

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